Microsound RNDTXT project artist: Spagirus (Gregory Elliott) type of work: audio piece exploring Burroughs style cut up techniques with a dialogue between text, computer data, and sound. title of work: Up Spam Cut contact: Spagirus@chaosmagic.com The first thing I did for this audio piece was to take the RNDTXT file and run it through a William S. Burroughs style cut up machine called Grazulis (it can be found and downloaded at http://web.ukonline.co.uk/gary.leeming/ ). I also ran the phrase 'cut up spam' in the cut up machine to get the title for the work. After I cut up the text a few times this way I opened the .txt file as a wave in Cool Edit. From there I stretched and cut up the wave. Then I used Pure Data to do all of the processing, effects, editing, etc. to make the final piece. Of particular mention here, I used Derek Holzer's Particle Chamber abstraction for PD (thanks to Derek for a great app) in addition to my own various PD patches. The license I intend to be granted for this piece is full use requiring attribution (Creative Commons 'attribution' license graphic contained in hotline folder).